
Articles, News, & Updates

Decision Gates: What do we need to consider?

Decision Gates: What do we need to consider?

How do we know when we are ready to move to the Design Phase? Decision Gates are checkpoints within the Program Lifecycle that assist the program team in determining whether or not to move forward. The information in your Program Concept Document will help you to...

It’s time to showcase your achievements on LinkedIn

It’s time to showcase your achievements on LinkedIn

Are you a certified DPro professional? If so, it's time to showcase your achievement on LinkedIn!  DPro certificates are provided by PM4NGOs, a leading organization in project management for the development sector. Check out more about DPro certification here.  ...

تتألف إدارة المخاطر من 5 خطوات وهي مناسبة لكل المنظمات

تتألف إدارة المخاطر من 5 خطوات وهي مناسبة لكل المنظمات

هذا المقال نشر سابقًا على موقع هيومينتم. في المشهد التنافسي الذي نشهده اليوم، يجب على كل المنظمات أن تتحمل المخاطر من أجل تحقيق النمو والنجاح. بكل الأحوال، يمكن أن تكون إدارة المخاطر مهمة شاقة جدًا. إدارة المخاطر هي توازن دقيق بين تحمل المخاطر المخطط لها لجني ثمارها،...

Access quick videos to review several management tools

Access quick videos to review several management tools

Do you know that you can access quick videos to review several management tools? Yes! The DPro Starter is a series of videos and materials about the DPro tools: Project DPro, MEAL DPro and Finance DPro.  You can see below one example of the videos. You can also access...

ثلاثة مهارات أساسية لمدير المشروع الجيد في قطاع التنمية

ثلاثة مهارات أساسية لمدير المشروع الجيد في قطاع التنمية

نُشرَ المقال الأصلي على موقع "ديساستر ريدي“   استضاف البث المباشر لصفحة "ديساستر ريدي" على الفيسبوك السيد جون كروبر من منظمة "بايرميد ليرنينج" وقد كان نقاشًا مثيرًا للاهتمام، حيث تناول النقاش مواضيع متنوعة مثل: اللوازم الأخلاقية لإدارة المشاريع الجيدة في القطاع...

PM4NGOs at the China Charity Fair

PM4NGOs at the China Charity Fair

In order to promote the Project DPro and increase the influence of PM4NGO in China, HANDA Social Service Development Center organized a Forum in 10th China Charity Fair in Shenzhen. China Charity Fair is the biggest public welfare event in China. The theme of the...

Program DPro Guide in Chinese

Program DPro Guide in Chinese

PM4NGOs Launches Program DPro Guide in Chinese. We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our mission to enhance program management globally. PM4NGOs is proud to introduce the Chinese version of the Program DPro guide, now available for our...

Are you working from an Estimate, or a Budget?

Are you working from an Estimate, or a Budget?

Estimate X Budget: these two get confused quite a bit. They seem to be the same, and one usually derives from the other, but they’re not the same. Estimate vs Budget applies to more than just money or cost. It also applies to resources.   Why is this difference...

Quick guide: Choosing your learning format

Quick guide: Choosing your learning format

This article has been originally published on DisasterReady website. Covid-19 led humanitarian organizations to experiment with new methods of learning delivery. Now that the pandemic has eased, what are the considerations when choosing a learning format? It is an...

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